Thankful people are less likely to be depressed. They get better grades, sleep better, stay healthy, have deeper friendships, and have a bright outlook on life. Gratitude is good for you!

The secret of happiness is to count your blessings while others are adding up their trouble. ~ William Penn
According to Psychology Today, there are seven scientifically-proven benefits of gratitude.
Gratitude opens the doors to more relationships.
Gratitude improves physical health.
Gratitude improves psychological health.
Gratitude enhances empathy & reduces aggression.
Grateful people sleep better.
Gratitude increases mental strength.
Gratitude improves self-esteem.
Who wouldn't want those benefits? In fact, I'm pausing right now to be thankful and thank someone. 😊
Even though I know the positive effects of gratitude, sometimes I don't feel thankful. I feel gloomy. A rain cloud seems to linger over my day. At times like those, I know I need to be even more intentional with grazing on gratitude. Science informs us that our thoughts and actions impact or change our feelings. Therefore, when you & I implement some of the ideas below, we'll feel better. The rain cloud will dissipate with our gratitude.
Taking action makes us feel better.
Whether your life is moving along smoothly or it feels like you're treading water & sinking, the following habits will definitely get your health sailing. Choose one or all seven steps to embrace & engage in gratitude.
7 Ways to Better Health
Create new pathways. Dr. Caroline Leaf, a cognitive neuroscientist, and author said, "As you think, you change the structure of your brain." Creating new pathways of thinking isn't easy. But we all have a choice in what we think about. Click here to see 5 Ways to Detox Your Mind. Let's flood our thoughts with gratefulness.
Practice the Daily Trio. Every day, think about, write about, or say out loud three things in which you're grateful. Make it a part of your rhythms & routines. Choose the best time of the day for you--morning, night, or throughout the day.
Set a gratitude alarm. Choose different times in the day. When the alarm goes off, pause. Give thanks. No matter the circumstances.
Participate in #GratitudeSnaps. Tara Martin @TaraMartinEDU and Tisha Richmond @tishrich created an incredible movement and practice called #GratitudeSnaps. It's quite simple and spreads joy. Find out more about how it works here.
Alphabetize your blessings. For example, A- Ability to do a job well. B- Birds, bees, butterflies, and babies. C- Community, church, country. I love them all. D- Doing life with my fantastic family. Etc.
Tell someone and thank someone- Every day, talk to someone about what you're thankful for, like a friendship, a sunset, or a smile. Every day, thank someone. Send a text of appreciation to someone. Thank someone verbally. Be vigilant in finding ways to thank others. You'll make their day.
See more ideas to take time to thank right here.
Building your gratitude muscle will not only bring you joy, but it will also make you feel better. And when life's storms come, you'll have a powerful weapon to ride out the storm. Gratitude.
You make a difference!
I wrote a whole chapter in Be Their Warrior about Taking Time to Thank. Exciting news! It's available now. Get it here.
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Learn more about being STRONG & how to cultivate life-changing relationships with families and students in my upcoming book. I share personal student stories and strategies for cultivating culture and community rooted in relationships. It's centered around amplifying all students' potential and unshakeable relationships that raise student achievement. Click image to go to Amazon. 😃