The Good Egg, written by Jory John & Pete Oswald packs a powerful punch. This "egg-cellent" book is a must to read aloud anytime instilling essential lessons such as kindness, SEL (Social Emotional Learning), building relationships, creating community & connections, and self-care.

A #1 New York Times bestseller!

I read The Good Egg to students of all ages and adults. I love helping students identify things like acts of kindness--being a helper, and ways to calm down so you don't crack.
Watch the video to see the specific steps to do with students or adults. Then, scroll down to see the steps listed as well as pictures of student work. In addition, since I'm a STEM teacher, I incorporate this lesson with an engineering challenge. See the details below the video. 😃
Create Community & Connection with these simple steps.
7 Simple Steps: A SEL & Self-Care Lesson for Kids & Adults
Mentor Text: The Good Egg
Read Aloud: The Good Egg. You can also view it here.
Students turn & talk about how to be a good egg/helper
Elicit input from students to create an anchor chart: How to be a good egg/helper
Students draw/write four ways to be a good egg/helper. They share their work.
Students turn & talk about activities that they can do to calm down. (Remind them of ideas from the book.)
Elicit input from students to create an anchor chart: How to keep from cracking up.
Students draw/write activities to stay calm when they are anxious, angry, or feel overwhelmed. Students share their work with each other. 😊
Students are writing and drawing four ways to be a good egg--a good helper and citizen. This is step 4.
Get a free resource guide from Harper and Collins.
The next day after doing all seven steps in The Good Egg lesson, I shared pictures with students where eggs come from and how they're packaged. I believe it's important to teach children of all ages the source of their food. After that, I proposed an engineering challenge: How can you help Farmer Brown get his eggs safely to market over a bumpy, bumpy road?
Students looked at existing egg cartons to get ideas of what makes them work. How are they shaped? What materials are used? Students had to innovate a new kind of carton; they weren't allowed to use an existing carton, but they could use the concepts of what makes an egg carton transport eggs successfully.
The photos below are a small sample of first grade innovation. They collaborated, drew plans, and worked together to create prototypes of their egg carriers. Lastly, they tested their designs to find out if the egg survived Farmer Brown's bumpy, bumpy road. Amazingly, most of the eggs survived. 😃. (For older students, I gave a list of materials and their costs. Students had to create a low cost, effective carrier.) This lesson can be adapted for any age and any team building activity.
Your students are sure to love this book and the valuable lessons it teaches like self-care, kindness, community & connection, mental health, and so many more. My students particularly enjoyed learning how to keep from "cracking up", and letting perfectionism go. I'd love to hear what your students enjoy. Share some pictures out and tag me on any social media platform at @pamhall2inspire.
YOU make a difference! 💕 Pamela
Get more like The Good Egg here.
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unshakeable relationships that raise student achievement. Click here or the image to go to Amazon. 😃
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