Shouldn't World Kindness Day be every day? I bet most would agree with me. Kindness should be a daily habit. Think of a world filled with people practicing kindness with intention. Oh, how beautiful. Instead of comparing and complaining, people would be competing to be kind.

I have an intentionally kind colleague. She's a kindness seeker pursuing opportunities to give to others and practice kindness. Often, she stops by my elementary engineering room and cuts up my piles and piles of cardboard into usable pieces for the students. I've never asked her to do this tedious task. She volunteered. She continues to stop by and do it regularly. I'm in awe. I love how she shares her time in a simple way with me that makes a huge impact. Her kindness inspires me to be a kindness seeker too.
I imagine a kind, peaceful world--one kind act at a time. Being a STRONG educator is being kind to yourself too.
Kindness is teachable
We're psychologically wired to help others. It's contagious. Witnessing an act of kindness improves our mood, making us more likely to pay it forward.
Being kind makes you live longer. When you're kind, there's a 44% less chance of dying early.
Serotonin source. Like most medical antidepressants, kindness stimulates the production of serotonin.
Kindness has anti-aging effects. Perpetually kind people have 23% less stress hormone and age slower than the average population.
Those five facts are just the tip of the iceberg of the lasting benefits of kindness. So, let's jump into some simple ways to spread kindness.
9 Easy Ways to Practice Kindness
Give compliments. Give a compliment to your friends and even strangers. A sincere compliment bolsters another's mood.
Do a random act of kindness.
Smile at strangers passing by, hold open a door, or give up your seat on public transport. Even these small gestures are an excellent way of showing kindness to others.
Donate. Donate books, clothes, food, essential medicines, and even money to a charity of your choice.
Reach out to a family member you haven't contacted in a while.
Simply smile 😊
Send an encouraging email or text.
Be intentional about connecting with a neighbor.
Click here for many more inspiring, intentional ways to be kind.

Remember to be kind to yourself by reframing negative thoughts and negative self talk to positive.
I absolutely love the easy lessons for kids, and positive, kindness quotes found here. If you're looking for more practical ways to sprinkle kindness, check out Tamara Letter's book: A Passion For Kindness.
Please join me in making kindness the norm.
YOU make a difference!
💕 Pamela
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