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5 Must-Listen to Podcasts

One thing I love about podcasts is that I get personal and professional development while doing something else. Not only are podcasts great for growth, they're great for maximizing productivity.

How does a podcast maximize productivity? Well, you know that stack of laundry you don't want to fold? Put on a podcast. Get lost in the message as you fold clothes, or listen as you slice, dice, and prep food for the week. Often, I listen on my commute since it is 45 minutes. I love the positive messages and tips I glean from podcasts while being productive with another task.

The last few months, I've had the amazing opportunity, privilege, and honor to be a guest on some impactful, inspiring, and influential podcasts. I've learned so much from these podcasts and exceptional educators who share their heart.

"Long before human beings first carved figures on cave walls, people were gathering together to share stories that taught, inspired and entertained. We seem to be wired to absorb what we hear..."[1]

The following podcast hosts are some of the best at attracting exemplary educators who spin stories worth listening to. They even sprinkle in humor. 😃'll learn tips and strategies to implement in your school, class, and life.

Listen to my chat with Dave here.

You can also catch my episode on his website.

Check out my fun and enlightening episodes.

Episode 85 and episode 60. They are different.

I learned a lot about PBIS on this roundtable and contributed too. Listen here.

Click here to listen to our convo.

Listen to a wonderful conversation on building community. I learned a great strategy from one of the panelists. Click here to listen.

Whether you need encouragement, inspiration, or tips to try, these five podcasts have you covered.

You make a difference!


Learn more about being STRONG & how to cultivate life-changing relationships with families and students in my new book. I share personal student stories and strategies for cultivating culture and community rooted in relationships. It's centered around amplifying all students' potential and unshakeable relationships that raise student achievement. Click here or the image to go to Amazon. 😃

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  1. Source:



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